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Program helps Pulaski woman discover new opportunities

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Program helps Pulaski woman discover new opportunities

By Mike Wade NRVCS Community Relations Specialist The negative consequences of addiction are both well-documented and seemingly endless. Incarceration, financial ruin, damaged relationships, and even death, are all among the potential outcomes for a person abusing drugs. Robin Novotny, a native of Pulaski, has experienced her fair share of struggles as a result of substance …

NRVCS to offer trauma-informed care workshop for community partners

NRVCS will host a workshop on trauma-informed care for community providers and professionals on Friday, September 22, 2017 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at NRVCS’ main office in Blacksburg (700 University City Boulevard). According to officials with the agency, the workshop will provide an introduction to trauma-informed care practices, as well as skills to …

NRVCS Staff Profile: Kristy McMahan

By Mike Wade NRVCS Community Relations Specialist Kristy McMahan’s name badge probably wouldn’t stand out to the casual observer. It has her picture on it, along with her name and position, and like so many other employees at NRVCS, McMahan’s badge hangs from a lanyard draped around her neck. So, what makes her badge so …

NRVCS receives federal funding to assist with opioid crisis

NRVCS (New River Valley Community Services) is among 18 Community Services Boards across Virginia that will receive federal funds to help fight the state’s opioid epidemic. Officials at NRVCS indicate that the agency will receive $194,824 to expand its treatment of substance use disorders, and another $32,100 for related prevention and support initiatives. In addition, …

Peer recovery group having positive impact on local inmates

By Mike Wade NRVCS Community Relations Specialist “It takes one to know one.” Most of us have either heard or uttered this phrase at some point, often in a context that evokes some kind of negative connotation. That idea of being relatable to another’s issues, however, could perhaps be the key to providing effective treatment …

Mental Health Month events in the New River Valley

May marks the annual observance of Mental Health Month across the country. Locally, there are a number of events planned to help educate the public about mental health issues, along with opportunities for citizens to participate in activities that can enhance their own well-being. Tuesday, May 16 Wear Green for Mental Health – Help NRVCS raise …

“Risky Business” is theme for this year’s Mental Health Month observance

Unhealthy behaviors, habits could be covering up a potential mental health problem When you or someone you love is dealing with a mental health concern, it can sometimes be difficult to manage. While mental illnesses are common and treatable, it’s important to remember that people experience symptoms of mental illnesses differently – and some engage …

NRVCS Board of Directors names Pritchett as Executive Director

The NRVCS (New River Valley Community Services) Board of Directors has named James Pritchett, LCSW, as the organization’s new Executive Director, effective March 1. Pritchett succeeds Interim Executive Director Rosemary Sullivan, who has retired after more than 30 years at NRVCS. Pritchett has been employed by NRVCS since 2006, most recently serving as Director of …

NRVCS to offer Strengthening Families Program in Montgomery, Floyd counties

NRVCS has announced it will offer two new cycles of the popular “Strengthening Families Program” in both Floyd and Montgomery counties this spring. The Strengthening Families Program (SFP) is an evidence-based family skills training program found to significantly improve parenting skills and family relationships, reduce problem behaviors, delinquency and alcohol and drug abuse in children, …

NRVCS staff participate in dialogue on race

By Mike Wade NRVCS Community Relations Specialist More than 60 members of the staff at NRVCS came together earlier this week to discuss the issue of race and how it impacts both their everyday lives and their jobs. The discussion, organized by the agency’s Cultural Competence Committee, was held at NRVCS’ main offices in …