If you are struggling with substance use and live in the New River Valley, call 9-8-8 or contact NRVCS at 540-961-8400.

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day
Saturday, October 26, 2024 | 10 AM – 2 PM
Law enforcement agencies throughout the New River Valley will once again be participating in this national initiative. This is a FREE, convenient, and safe way for you to dispose of your unused or expired prescription medications (pills and patches only). Location sites in the NRV on October 26 include:
LewisGale Hospital Montgomery
3700 S. Main Street, Blacksburg
Christiansburg Pharmacy
470 N. Franklin Street, Christiansburg
Martin’s Pharmacy
180 Broad Street, Dublin
7480 Lee Hwy., Fairlawn
Floyd County Sheriff’s Office
100 E. Main Street, Floyd
Giles County Sheriff’s Office
1 Taylor Avenue, Pearisburg
Food City (new location)
1201 E. Main Street, Pulaski
Radford (no active collection site on 10/26)
Permanent drop box available 24/7 at
Radford Police Department
20 Robertson Street, Radford
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day
April 27, 2024
Law enforcement agencies in the New River Valley collected a combined total of 987.6 pounds of unused or expired medications during this spring’s “Take Back Day” event.
This effort was part of a national event that is held twice each year, organized by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
These events are vital to community health and public safety as they help to reduce the potential for medication misuse and opioid addiction by providing community members with a safe way to properly rid their homes of prescription drugs that are expired or no longer needed. Collection totals from across the NRV are included below:
Blacksburg | 105.7 |
Christiansburg | 238.4 |
Dublin | 97.7 |
Fairlawn | 129.6 |
Floyd | 87.4 |
Pearisburg | 104.9 |
Pulaski | 101.3 |
Radford | 122.6 |
TOTAL | 987.6 |
Appalachian Save a Life Day
September 14, 2023
The New River Valley participated in its first “Appalachian Save a Life Day” on September 14th at the NRVCS Radford Center – a day focused around partnering with people with lived experience to explore solutions and hope surrounding the overdose crisis. Partners participating in the event offered swag, tools, and information on important topics like harm reduction. Below are some photos taken at the event.

Sam Quinones – The Least of Us
August 31, 2023
Author and journalist Sam Quinones was joined by host Tom Landon of Blue Ridge PBS for a discussion about his book, “The Least of Us: True Tales of America and Hope in the Time of Fentanyl and Meth.” This event was held at the Inn at Virginia Tech on August 31st, 2023 – International Overdose Awareness Day. Click HERE or the image to the left to watch the event in its entirety.

Overdose in Our Community
September 22, 2022
Pulaski community members gathered on September 22nd, 2022 at the Pulaski Train Station to shine a light on the darkness of addiction and overdose in our community. Speakers at the event included three Pulaski residents who shared their personal stories of how overdose has impacted their lives and the lives of their families. Click HERE or the image to the left to watch a highlight video from the event.

NRV Candlelight Vigil for International Overdose Awareness Day
August 31, 2022
Residents of the New River Valley gathered on August 31st, 2022 in Radford to remember the lives lost to overdose and to offer a message of hope for those who are struggling to overcome the disease of addiction. Click HERE or the image to the left to watch a highlight video from the event.
Other Resources:
SAMHSA – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
SAARA – Substance Abuse & Addiction Recovery Alliance of Virginia
Virginia Tech Recovery Community
REVIVE! Training – Recognize and respond to an opioid overdose emergency with Naloxone
Recovery Research Institute – an excellent resource for information and evidence about addiction treatment and recovery