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Intellectual Disability Services for Children

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idcm-kids-photo-webCONTACT INFORMATION
Tom Meadows, ID Case Management Supervisor
New River Valley Community Services
700 University City Boulevard
Blacksburg, VA 24060

NRVCS’ Intellectual Disability services help children and adolescents remain in their homes, schools, and communities. We work closely with families and other child service providers in the community to ensure that the child’s needs are being addressed. These services are available to children ages 3 – 22. (Infants and toddlers under the age of three are served by the Early Intervention program.)

Mission Statement
Our guiding philosophy is that children with intellectual disabilities are most likely to reach their full potential when they are given the supports they need to remain in their home communities. It is in their home communities that these children can receive not only specialized services for their specific disability but also the love and support of family members and friends, with the sense of belonging that comes from being part of their community. Children with intellectual disabilities have the right to experience the full range of social, educational, recreational, and vocational opportunities that being a member of a community afford.

Our goal is to assist children and their families in accessing needed medical, psychiatric, social, educational, vocational, residential and other supports essential for living in the community. NRVCS strongly believes in a treatment team approach for individuals to foster enhanced communication between providers and the individual/family.

Case Management: NRVCS provides case management services as a comprehensive service to children and families that is designed to assist individuals in accessing needed medical, psychiatric, social, educational,
vocational, residential, and other supports essential for living in the community and in developing
his or her desired lifestyle.

Assessment: All individuals referred for case management services receive a comprehensive assessment of their needs and strengths. Children suspected of having an intellectual disability who have not been previously diagnosed are eligible for a 90-day assessment plan. Information from previous evaluations and service providers are incorporated into the comprehensive assessment.

ID (Intellectual Disabilities) Waiver Waitlist: Virginia Medicaid funds certain community-based care alternatives to institutional care through waivers.  In Virginia the ID Waiver is administered by the Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS). ID Waiver operations are managed by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS).  Locally, ID Waiver services for individuals are coordinated by support coordinators/case managers employed by Community Service Boards (CSB’s).  Actual services are provided by the CSB’s and private providers across the state of Virginia. An ID Waiver Support Coordinator/Case Manager can assist with determining an individual’s eligibility and enrollment process.