If you are using alcohol or other drugs and expecting a child – or think that you may become pregnant – you could be doing significant harm to your unborn baby.
Fortunately, getting help is easy and NRVCS gives priority to pregnant women who are using drugs and/or alcohol. As a matter of fact, you will get help within 48 hours of requesting assistance from us. Just call 540.961.8400 to learn more.
Impact of Prenatal Substance Exposure:
Any alcohol or drug use during pregnancy is potentially harmful to your unborn child. If you use alcohol or other drugs and do not seek treatment, your baby could be at high risk for:
- Premature delivery
- Low birth weight
- Neurological & congenital problems
- Increased risk for SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
- Developmental delays
- Neglect or abuse (2-3 times higher than non substance exposed newborns)
- Mental health & substance abuse problems as your child ages
Research has shown that interrupting the mother’s substance use and providing comprehensive services for mother and child can significantly improve birth outcomes and the child’s development.
Healthy Pregnancy Tips:
- Make a goal of delivering your baby drug-, alcohol- and tobacco-free
- Get treatment and support through NRVCS
- Get prenatal care from your medical provider
- Keep your baby safe
- Find healthy ways to manage stress
Programs and services for pregnant and parenting women are funded by the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant.