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New Horizons Crisis Stabilization

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New Horizons Crisis Stabilization

For admissions or related information,
or if you need immediate help, call 9-8-8.

New Horizons Phone: 540-831-5916
New Horizons Fax: 540-831-4034

New Horizons is a “Crisis Stabilization Unit,” or CSU, providing crisis-related services both residentially and day-only, depending on the level of risk and need for each individual. The program is available to adults only (18 and older) and we work with individuals who  self-identify as male, female, or transgender. Our goal is to stabilize individuals that are at-risk of hospitalization due to a mental health crisis by providing high-quality care in a safe, home-like environment and by mobilizing family and other supports for ongoing recovery.

Individuals may be admitted voluntarily, under a TDO (Temporary Detention Order), or as a step-down or commitment from a psychiatric hospital. Services typically last up to 15 days. During their stay, individuals receive group and individual counseling and case management services, and those with us residentially receive psychiatric services. The program is staffed 24-hours a day/seven days a week and are continually present to support and assist individuals receiving care.

Admission Criteria
Individuals are eligible to receive services at New Horizons if they are experiencing or exhibiting at least two of the following four criteria due to their crisis:

  • Difficulty with relationships to the degree that the person is at increased risk of hospitalization, homelessness, or isolation from social supports.
  • Difficulty in daily living activities, such as personal hygiene, preparing food and maintaining adequate nutrition, or managing finances, to a degree that the person’s health or safety is jeopardized.
  • Doing or saying things that are likely to lead to the mental health, social services, or judicial systems intervening.
  • Difficulty thinking to the point the person may be in danger or very socially inappropriate.

Admission Process
Individuals are usually admitted to New Horizons after they have been assessed by a pre-screener with NRVCS’ Access Services. This can be arranged by calling Access at 540-961-8400. The Access pre-screener will meet with the individual and speak with any other collateral contacts that may have relevant information. If the Access representative feels New Horizons is an appropriate option for the individual, they will call and coordinate an admission (if a bed is available).

In some cases, an individual’s regular NRVCS service provider can help make arrangements directly with New Horizons, so if you are already in services with NRVCS, you may ask your provider about this option. Individuals may also be admitted via step-down or commitment from another psychiatric facility. This may be accomplished by the facility calling New Horizons and requesting admission.

What to Expect
Upon arrival, staff will show the individual around the facility, explain the program, and complete necessary paperwork for admission. The individual will then join whatever activities are already going on. During their stay at New Horizons, individuals prepare their own meals and do their own laundry with staff supervision. Visiting hours are typically every evening from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.

No Smoking
For the health and safety of all, tobacco and related products are not allowed at New Horizons. Individuals served are offered nicotine replacement therapy (e.g., patches), as well as resources and support for those wishing to quit using nicotine

What to Bring/ What Not to Bring
The single most important thing to make sure an individual brings to New Horizons is all medications they are currently taking in their original bottles. This is very important in facilitating psychiatric services.

Those being admitted will also need their insurance card (or a copy of it), some changes of clothes, pajamas, and any specific hygiene items they wish to have. New Horizons provides general hygiene items, linens, and food. Individuals may not bring any weapon or any item that could easily be used as a weapon (e.g., open razor blades). Cell phones and other devices with cameras will be kept in locked areas and may only be used in designated areas for sake of privacy. Other items brought by individuals may also be kept in locked areas for safe-keeping.

Services Following Discharge
Prior to crisis services ending, New Horizons staff work with individuals, their families, and other providers to arrange services needed after their care at the facility.

Common Exclusions
The most common reasons an individual cannot be admitted to New Horizons services are:

  • Risk of alcohol or benzodiazepine withdrawal
  • Some cases of other substance use
  • Other medical risk beyond our ability to manage (e.g., uncontrolled diabetes or seizures or acute heart conditions)
  • Risk of harm to others or self even at New Horizons
  • Risk of elopement
  • Some cases of Suboxone or blood thinners
  • Inability to perform own ADLS
  • Lack of capacity to consent or lack of guardian’s consent (may still be eligible for TDO)