Contact Information:
Lori Trail, NRV Recovery Court Coordinator for NRVCS
Recovery Courts are specialized court dockets within the existing structure of Virginia’s court system offering judicial monitoring of intensive treatment and strict supervision of individuals living with a substance use disorder in drug and drug-related cases. Recovery Court offers a second chance by providing access to sober housing, employment, treatment, recovery resources, and providing the support and encouragement necessary for participants to recover.

- Referrals are made through the local Commonwealth Attorney typically from a potential participant’s defense attorney for felony drug or drug driven charges, including probation violations.
- High Risk/High Needs Determination: The screening instrument used to determine a potential participant’s risk and needs level will be the Risk and Needs Triage Assessment (RANT) provided by the Virginia Supreme Court.
- Voluntary Participation: Participation in a Recovery Court is voluntary and requires a written agreement among the defendant, the Commonwealth and the Judge.
- 18 or older, history of substance use disorder, non-violent offenses, and resident of the County
- Agreement among Recovery Court Team Members
Any of the following criteria is sufficient for exclusion from this level of care:
- History of Violent Crime
- Organic mental disorders and personality disorders which would suggest a poor prognosis for improvement and would prevent the individual from being able to participate in the process in a constructive manner.
- Chronic medical problems being treated with addictive medications that impede the individual’s ability to benefit from treatment.
- Our local Recovery Court Programs consist of 5 Phases and a Recovery Maintenance Phase. Each phase has expectations for curfew, recovery and treatment participation, as well as community service and giving back to the community.
- Average Length of Program is 20-24 months
- All participants receive frequent, random drug screens
- All participants are required to obtain and maintain full-time employment
- All participants are required to complete 100 hours of community service
- All participants must complete an approved community service project designed to give back to the community prior to graduation
Within Recovery Court, each participant is assigned a Case Manager and receives case management services. Depending on the participants’ individual needs, the participant may also receive Peer Services, group and/or individual therapy, or a variety of interventions like MAT, IOP, Partial, or residential care. The level of care is based on the participants’ individual needs and addresses mental health as well as substance use needs.
Participants graduate after completing the Recovery Maintenance Phase, their Giving Back project, as well as gaining the approval of the Recovery Court Team.
Though participants can withdraw at any time, the court may decide to involuntarily discharge a participant. This is due, but not limited to the participant’s lack of compliance with program rules, being charged with additional criminal offenses, or exhausting treatment options due to a pattern of continued, persistent substance use.
Our local Recovery Court is a multidisciplinary team composed of, but not limited to, Judge, Probation, Commonwealth Attorney, Defense Attorney, treatment, law enforcement, Peer Services, Coordinator, Case Manager, and community stakeholders. The Recovery Court is led by a Coordinator, an employee of NRVCS. A full continuum of treatment services (group, psychiatric, individual therapy, etc.) for participants is provided by NRVCS. Recovery Courts depend upon a comprehensive and inclusive planning process.