GET HELP: If you live in the New River Valley and you or someone you know is struggling with addiction to opioids, or other substances, please know that help is available. Call NRVCS at 540-961-8400 to schedule an assessment.
REVIVE! is the Opioid Overdose and Naloxone Education program for the Commonwealth of Virginia. REVIVE! training shows participants how to recognize and respond to an opioid overdose emergency with the administration of Naloxone (Narcan ®). (Learn more about naloxone here.)
REVIVE! trainings are provided at no cost and participants receive a free prescription of Narcan.
In the New River Valley, REVIVE! trainings are being offered by NRVCS, in partnership with the New River Health District and the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services’ Office of Behavioral Health Wellness.
The training for community members (sometimes referred to as the “lay rescuer training”) typically takes just over an hour.
We are currently offering virtual “Rapid REVIVE!” trainings via Zoom. These trainings typically last approximately 30 minutes and can be scheduled for both small and large groups upon request.
UPCOMING TRAININGS Additional trainings can be scheduled, as requested. If your business or organization would be interested in a REVIVE! training, please contact Mike Wade at