For information and referrals, please contact:
Chasity Lawson
ID/DD Services Supervisor
Phone: (540) 750-6198
700 University City Blvd.
Blacksburg VA 24060
For all other inquiries, please contact:
Tom Meadows
ID/DD Services Program Manager
Phone: (540) 961-8334
700 University City Blvd.
Blacksburg VA 24060
What can I do to get someone on the DD (Developmental Disabilities) Waiver waiting list?
Call Chasity Lawson at the number listed on this page for more information. A DD Waiver Support Coordinator/Case Manager will then assist with determining an individual’s eligibility and enrollment process. An assessment for active case management needs will also be made, as well as referrals to any other services that an individual may qualify for.
DD Waiver Support Coordination & Case Management
In order to receive DD Waiver services, an individual must meet eligibility requirements and a “slot” (an opening of Waiver services available to an individual) must be available. Currently the number of slots is limited by the availability of funding for DD Waiver services. There is a waiting list for DD Waiver slots. Funds are managed at the state level and the appropriation of additional funds to grow the Waiver is dependent upon General Assembly action. An independent Waiver Slot Allocation Committee (WSAC), reviewed and trained by DBHDS from members of the local community, awards slots based on Priority Needs and Critical Needs Scores when new slots become available or an old slot becomes vacant.
There is an additional resource that provides options for community living to participants who live in nursing facilities, long-stay hospitals, and facilities–Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities and Related Conditions through the Money Follows the Person program. Individuals in nursing facilities, long-stay hospitals and/or ICF/IID’s must still meet the diagnostic eligibility listed below for the DD Waiver.
An individual is deemed eligible for DD Waiver services based on:
Diagnostic Eligibility: Individuals must have a psychological evaluation completed by a licensed professional that states a diagnosis or intellectual disability and/or ruling out ID diagnosis with a qualified supporting medical diagnosis for Developmental Disability and reflects the individual’s current level of functioning.
Functional Eligibility: All individuals receiving DD Waiver services must meet the indicated dependency level in three or more of the categories on the VIES assessment.
Financial Eligibility: An individual’s financial eligibility for Medicaid. Some individuals who would not ordinarily qualify financially for Medicaid may be eligible by receipt of DD Waiver services.
Documented Choice between institutional care and community-based Waiver services
Waiting List Information
Waiting List Information – for all categories, it is essential to determine that if offered a slot, the individual would accept it within 30 days. The following is a means of “triaging” current needs; however, it is recognized that an individual in any of these categories could present for services at any time due to changes in needs/circumstances.
Priority 1 It is anticipated that the individual will need waiver services within one year and the individual meets one of the following criteria:
- An immediate jeopardy to the health and safety of the individual due to the unpaid primary caregiver having a chronic or long-term physical or psychiatric condition or conditions that significantly limits his/her the ability of the primary caregiver (or caregivers) to care for the individual; there are no other unpaid caregivers available to provide supports; or
- There is a risk to the health or safety of the applicant, primary caregiver, or other person living in the home due to either of the following conditions:
- The individual’s behavior or behaviors present a risk to himself or others that cannot be effectively managed by the primary caregiver or unpaid provider even with support coordinator/case manager arranged generic or specialized supports,
- There are physical care needs (such as lifting or bathing) or medical needs that cannot be managed by the primary caregiver even with support coordinator/case manager arranged generic or specialized supports; or
- The individual lives in an institutional setting and has a viable discharge plan; or The individual is young adult transitioning and is no longer eligible for IDEA services (e.g., in a foster care, residential setting, etc.).
Priority 2 – It is anticipated that the individual may require waiver services in one to five years and the individual meets one of the following criteria:
- The health and safety of the individual is likely to be in future jeopardy to due to
- the unpaid primary caregiver having a declining chronic or long-term physical or psychiatric condition(s) or conditions that significantly limits his/her the ability to care for the individual, and
- there are no other unpaid caregivers available to provide supports, and
- the individual’s skills are declining as a result of lack of supports; or 2. Individual is at risk of losing employment supports; or The individual is at risk of losing current housing due to lack of adequate supports and services; or
- The individual has needs or desired outcomes that with adequate supports will result in a significantly improved quality of life.
Priority 3 – The system has determined that the individual may not present for waiver services in over five years as long as the current supports and services remain; however, the system should plan for future needs, as this person may present at any time.
- The individual is receiving a service through another funding source that meets current needs; or
- The individual is not currently receiving a service but is likely to need a service in five or more years; or
- The individual has needs or desired outcomes that with adequate supports will result in a significantly improved quality of life.
What services are offered in Virginia? The following DD Waiver services are available in Virginia to individuals meeting specific service criteria who have been assigned a DD Waiver slot. (Services are dependent upon provider availability and specific Waiver slot type – Community Living, Family & Individual Supports, Building Independence)
Employment & Day Services
Individual Supported Employment
Group Supported Employment
Workplace Assistance Services
Community Engagement
Community Coaching
Group Day Services
Self-Directed Options
Consumer-Directed Services Facilitation
CD Personal Assistance Services*
CD Respite*
CD Companion*
*can be agency-directed
Residential Options
Independent Living Supports
Shared Living
Supported Living
In-home Support Services
Sponsored Residential
Group Home Residential
Crisis Support Options
Community-Based Crisis Supports
Center-based Crisis Supports
Crisis Support Services
Medical & Behavioral Options
Skilled Nursing
Private Duty Nursing
Therapeutic Consultation
Personal Emergency Response System (PERS)
Additional Options
Assistive Technology
Electronic Home-Based Services
Environmental Modifications
Individual and Family/Caregiver Training
Transition Services
Additional Information Virginia Medicaid funds certain community-based care alternatives to institutional care through waivers. In Virginia the DD Waiver is administered by the Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS). Day-to-day DD Waiver operations are managed by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS). Locally, DD Waiver services for individuals are coordinated by support coordinators/case managers employed by Community Service Boards/Behavioral Health Authority (CSB/BHA’s). Actual services are provided by the CSB/BHA’s and private providers across the state of Virginia.
Additional Resources Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
DBHDS Office of Developmental Services contacts
DBHDS website for Settlement information
Money Follows the Person
Department of Justice