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Too Good For Drugs

Special thanks to our funder for their continued support!

Through a grant from the Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth, classroom-based substance use prevention programs are facilitated by staff with NRVCS’ Community Wellness & Outreach team in Giles (grades 5, 7, and 9), Montgomery (grade 9) and Pulaski (grades 6 and 9) counties, and the City of Radford (grades 5 and 9).

Too Good for Drugs (TGFD) is a school-based prevention program proven to reduce the intention to use alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs in middle and high school students. Developed by the Mendez Foundation for use with students in kindergarten through 12th grade (5 to 18 years old), TGFD has a separate, developmentally appropriate curriculum for each grade level, and is designed to develop:

• Personal and interpersonal skills relating to alcohol, tobacco and illegal drug use;
• Appropriate attitudes toward alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drug use;
• Knowledge of the negative consequences of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drug use and benefits of a drug-free lifestyle; and
• Positive peer norms.

Due to COVID-19 and the resulting school closures, the Mendez Foundation has provided supporting program materials to help keep students engaged in substance use prevention and wellness-related learning from home.

Hosting teachers, parents and students are invited and encouraged to click on the appropriate grade level for activities to engage in and learn from!

At Home Learning Activities

Grade 5

Grade 5 Journaling Activities (PDF file)
Grade 5 At Home Learning Activities (PDF file)
Grade 5 Home Workouts (PDF file)

Grade 6

Grade 6 Journaling Activities (PDF file)
Grade 6 At Home Learning Activities (PDF file)
Grade 6 Home Workouts (PDF file)

Grade 7

Grade 7 Journaling Activities (PDF file)
Grade 7 At Home Learning Activities (PDF file)
Grade 7 Home Workouts (PDF file)

High School (Grade 9)

High School Journaling Activities (PDF file)
High School At Home Learning Activities (PDF file)
High School “Bring It Home” Newsletter (PDF file)